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Fraud Protection

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Minimize Fraud, Minimize Cost

Secure Your Business

Our Business Defenders

Our financial specialists and personal business bankers at Texas Partners Bank are experienced in protecting your business—developing strategies to prevent and/or fix fraud, as well as consistently monitoring your business accounts.

We help you and your business accelerate detection of fraud patterns, reduce losses by detecting possible fraud early, minimize operational costs and keep you up-to-date on malicious activity. This allows you to focus on what’s important—taking your business to the next level.
Texas Partners Bank ACH Filter solution monitors and protects your account from unauthorized ACH withdrawals.

  • You provide a list of authorized entities in advance
  • We compare your authorized list to all withdrawals attempting to post to your account
  • We notify you of any unauthorized withdrawal attempts
  • We promptly return any item that you claim unauthorized
  • You pay no monthly maintenance fees for ACH Filter
  • We monitor and detect fraudulent checks attempting to clear your account
  • You provide a list of issued checks in advance through our online banking portal
  • We compare your authorized list to all items attempting to clear
  • We send you specific details of exceptions through your online banking portal
  • You respond online with pay or return instructions
  • Your information is encrypted and secure
  • You pay no monthly maintenance fees for Image Positive Pay

Listen to Dr. Richard T. Schlosberg, IV, co-founder of ABCD Pediatrics describe how Positive Pay protected his practice from a $35,000 fraudulent check.
Skip to 0:44 to hear his experience. 

Get a personalized Risk Assessment for your business. 


The benefits of cutting-edge banking technology.

Embracing the latest advancements in technology helps your business stay competitive among your peers. Our Positive Pay fraud protection service saved Dr. Schlosberg’s practice from the burden of a stolen $35,000 check.
Learn more about Dr. Schlosberg’s path to success and his advice for future entrepreneurs in his installment of our San Antonio Business Heroes podcast series.