Business Banker Denise Garcia with her client Megan Legacy, CEO of SA Hope Center

Nonprofit Banking

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At Texas Partners Bank, we are committed to making a difference in the communities we serve.

That is why we partner with organizations who work every day to create positive change throughout Central Texas. This commitment is at the core of everything we do. By forging strong partnerships with nonprofit clients, we give them the innovative banking solutions they need to achieve their goals and maximize their impact. Together, we can build a stronger, more vibrant community that we are all proud to call home.

Community-Focused Partnerships

Nonprofits are the backbone of our communities, and our diverse team of bankers has a wide range of expertise to support them in every way. From fraud protection to customized lending solutions, remote deposits to a dedicated volunteer network, Texas Partners Bank offers banking products and services to meet the unique needs of your organization.

Product and Services List 

We offer nonprofits free fraud protection tools to ensure peace of mind and the secure stewardship of donations.
We provide free remote deposit options to maximize your organization’s efficiency and allow you to secure donations from wherever you are.
By design, our lending programs for nonprofits are fully customizable, as opposed to a one-size-fits-all approach. We understand the nature of nonprofits, and we create unique loan solutions based on the special needs and circumstances that impact each organization.
As your thought partners in growth and service, we take pride in connecting our organizations with community members who can support your mission beyond banking solutions. Whether you utilize our Volunteer Network to help provide volunteers for your next event, brainstorm with a banker for your next fundraising effort, or lean on us to help identify grantor organizations that can support your mission, we believe that your success is directly tied to ours, and you can count on our steadfast partnership.

Find new ways to further your mission.

Megan Legacy CEO of SA Hope Center
Client Testimonial

Banking on Hope: Nonprofit CEO Finds Partnership for Growth

“Working with Denise and her team at the bank has felt like an extension of our mission. Nonprofit businesses must have strong financial acumen—we have to think about the future. We're thinking about endowments and growth, and we require strong banking partnerships. Denise is probably the most responsive business partnership that we have."
– Megan Legacy, CEO of SA Hope Center